The Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan this morning launched the We Are Cork Youth Challenge Lord Mayor’s Medal, a new initiative from Cork City Council and Cork Education & Training Board (CETB).
We Are Cork Youth Challenge is a unique summer programme that gives young people, aged 13 to 18 years, the opportunity to showcase existing skills, learn or experience something new. Young people will experience challenges across 6 themes:
- Music;
- Arts;
- Society;
- Environment;
- Sport;
- Technology.
There will be 30 challenges, with young people completing 20, giving them the option to choose or take a pick and mix approach.
The Challenge will run from 23rd June to 20th August 2020.
The initiative was developed in response to COVID-19 and the fact that many of the summer camps, programmes, and activities have been cancelled. Cork Sports Partnership, Music Generation and Cork City Arts Office and Libraries have also come on board to host and support challenges with exciting resources and live online workshops.
Speaking on his final day in office, outgoing Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Sheehan said: “Over my year in office as Lord Mayor, I’ve been bowled over by how dynamic and engaged the young people of Cork are. They seldom get the credit they deserve. For me, the youth response as part of the COVID-19 Community Call was particularly impressive and in my role as Lord Mayor, I have had the opportunity throughout the year of meeting remarkable young people who are working for a better future for all of us. I’m proud that on this, my last day in office, I have the opportunity to launch this challenge which will showcase the many talents and skills they possess.”
The overall aim of the Challenge is participation, engagement and fun. Everyone who completes the challenge will receive a special commemorative Lord Mayor’s Medal and iPads will be awarded for commended efforts under any particular Challenge theme.
For more information on the We Are Cork Youth Challenge, contact [email protected]
To register for the challenge, go to or click here
The launch of the Challenge coincides with the Lord Mayor’s Youth Award 2020, which will be broadcast on Cork City Council’s YouTube channel today at 3.30 p.m. Lord Mayor Cllr. John Sheehan chose Cork youth activist Salma Waleed and climate change activist Alicia O’Sullivan as recipients of this year’s Lord Mayor’s Youth Awards.
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