Corrections Policy

Our Commitment to Integrity

At Cork Safety Alerts, we are committed to publishing quality, factual news. Honesty and transparency are cornerstones of our operation, and maintaining the trust of our readers and followers is of the utmost importance to us.

Correction Procedure

If we discover an error in any of our stories, posts, or publications, we will take immediate steps to correct it as soon as we become aware of the mistake. Our correction procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Identify the Correct Information: We will promptly verify and update the incorrect information.
  2. Root Cause Analysis: We will investigate why the incorrect information was published in the first place.
  3. Accountability: We will identify who was responsible for posting the incorrect information and ascertain why it was not fact-checked in accordance with our internal policies.
  4. Internal Reporting: An internal report will be compiled based on the information gathered, to serve as a learning resource for future reference.

Displaying Corrections

If it is not feasible to amend the original content (such as in a Tweet), we will make the correction visible in close proximity to the original content. For example, we may add a thread to the original Tweet or place a correction notice at the top of the original news article.

Complaints Procedure

If you have a complaint about something we have published, or if you have any queries regarding this Fact Corrections Policy, you can email us at [email protected]. We take all complaints seriously and aim to address them in a timely and transparent manner.