An update on vaccination centres across Cork and Kerry:

The vaccination campaign across Cork and Kerry has ramped up again in recent days and weeks, the HSE has confirmed.

The vaccinations roll-out across Cork and Kerry is run jointly by the South South West Hospital Group and Cork Kerry Community Healthcare.

As the booster campaign intensifies, the three vaccination centres across the region (at Cork’s City Hall; at Bantry Primary Care Centre and at the Tralee vaccination centre in Monavalley) are all adding to their staff numbers and extending their opening hours.

In addition, a pop-up booster vaccination clinic will take place over the weekend at Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre (full details below).

All vaccination centres continue to schedule as many appointments as possible. The 60-plus age-group is now almost complete ie most eligible people in this age-group have received their booster vaccination or have been offered an appointment. We are making good progress on the 50-59 age-group, with appointments scheduled across this week at all three centres.

Before travelling to a vaccination centre, we urge the public to check that they are eligible for a booster vaccination. Details are at

Details for each centre in the region include:

City Hall, Cork:

  • Across last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, vaccinators delivered more than 6,300 vaccinations at this centre.
  • Walk-in clinics for booster vaccinations will take place Saturday, December 18th (8am to 8pm) and Sunday December 19th (8am to 8pm). This walk-in clinic will offer booster doses to eligible people aged 50 and over and Booster Vaccinations for Healthcare Workers over 30.
  • In addition, a walk-in clinic for anyone eligible to receive a first or a second dose of a Covid-19 vaccine will take place on Friday December 17th, from 9am to 4pm.
  • We are also vaccinating by appointment this week with groups including people aged between 50 and 59; cohort 4; cohort 7; and people who recently registered for first and second doses of a Covid-19 vaccination.
  • Opening hours at this centre will shortly be extended and the centre will open at 8am

Kerry vaccination centre, Monavalley, Tralee, V92 HT21:

  • The centre is vaccinating more than 800 people a day.
  • A walk-in vaccination clinic will take place there on Saturday, 8.30am to 4.30pm. This walk-in clinic will offer booster doses to eligible people aged 50 and over.
  • We are vaccinating by appointment on weekdays this week,  with groups including people aged between 50 and 59; cohort 4; cohort 7; and people who recently registered for first and second doses of a Covid-19 vaccination.

Bantry vaccination centre, Bantry Primary Care Centre:

  • At last weekend’s walk-in clinics, close to 500 people were vaccinated each day.
  • A further walk-in vaccination clinic will take place there on Sunday December 19th for booster vaccinations for eligible people aged 50 and over. (Please note, the time for this clinic have yet to be confirmed and will be circulated as soon as they are available).
  • We are vaccinating by appointment on weekdays this week with groups including people aged between 50 and 59; cohort 4; cohort 7; and people who recently registered for first and second doses of a Covid-19 vaccination.

Mallow – pop-up vaccination centre at Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre.

  • A pop-up walk-in vaccination clinic will be available this Saturday December 18th and Sunday December 19th, 9.15am to 4.15pm. Again, this walk-in clinic will offer booster vaccinations for eligible people age 50 and over.
  • The clinic will take place at Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre.

As well as walk-in clinics, all centres are:

  • offering outreach clinics to vaccinate housebound people at home.
  • offering appointments for booster vaccinations to eligible people aged 50 and over.
  • offering appointments to any remaining healthcare workers yet to receive a booster.
  • offering appointment to people in vaccination groups 4 and 7.
  • travelling to residential centres to vaccinate any remaining residents who haven’t been in a position to receive a booster vaccination earlier in the campaign.

Appointments are a key focus of the campaign, and have allowed us to reach a position where the majority of eligible people in their 60s have received their boosters, and substantial progress has been made on the boosters for those aged between 50 and 59.

We would also like to thank and acknowledge the GPs and pharmacies across the region who are supporting the vaccination roll-out by offering booster vaccinations.

We ask people to take their appointment when it is offered if at all possible, and if not to let the HSE know if you do not wish to take up your appointment

The public have three options to cancel appointments are as follows:

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