Today (22/7/2021) Revenue announced it has formally commissioned a new, state of the art, mobile x-ray container scanner.

The new scanner cost €2.16 million and was part-funded by a grant of €1.73 million from the European Anti-Fraud Agency, OLAF, under its Hercule III Programme. Revenue Commissioner and Director General of Customs, Mr Gerry Harrahill, expressed the thanks of the Revenue Board to OLAF for their financial support in the acquisition of the new scanner.

The new scanner, which was first deployed in Rosslare Europort earlier this year, is a vital resource in Revenue’s strategy to target fiscal fraud, fuel fraud and the supply of illicit drugs and tobacco products, with a view to disrupting the supply chain, seizing the illicit products and prosecuting those responsible.

The Nuctech MT1213DE high energy mobile x-ray container scanner replaces an older scanner that had reached the end of its operational lifespan. It was selected following a competitive tendering process and is expected to operate until at least 2030. Its acquisition maintains Revenue’s available x-ray container scanning capacity of three mobile units, each of which can be deployed to any port or other relevant location, such as warehouses, throughout the country, having regard to risk and operational needs.

Commenting on the deployment of the new scanner, Mr Harrahill said:

Revenue implements customs controls in a manner that supports legitimate trade, while effectively managing compliance risks and tackling illegitimate trade. At all times, Revenue remains pro-active, vigilant and agile in the fight against all forms of smuggling. In confronting the challenges of smuggling and the shadow economy, Revenue’s strategy is underpinned by a robust foundation of data analytics, intelligence and risk profiling. Our resulting actions, including the deployment of modern scanning technology, contribute to tackling organised criminal activity.

We focus on maximising the effectiveness of Revenue legislative powers and on optimising deployment of all our resources. This new high energy mobile x-ray container scanner is an important component of our resources and in our continued determination to target all forms of shadow economy and illegal activity.

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