The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister for Defence, Mr. Simon Coveney T.D. and the Defence Forces’ Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Mark Mellett DSM, attended the Naval Service Officer Commissioning Ceremony in Haulbowline Naval Base, Cork today Friday, 16th of July 2021, at 10.45am.
It was a very important and proud day for the members of the 59th Naval Service Cadet Class as they were awarded their Commissions. This represents the successful completion of two years intensive military and nautical training.
The five Cadets have completed a very demanding, challenging and rewarding course of basic Officer training including diverse subjects such as navigation, seamanship, leadership, communications, marine engineering and naval warfare.
The Cadets also completed sea time experience across the Naval Service fleet and commenced their first year of academic study for a Bachelor of Science in Nautical Science at the National Maritime College of Ireland.
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