Turn2Me, a national mental health charity has launched two support groups, on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6pm, for teenagers starting or going back to secondary school, and for young people going to college for the first time.

The charity reported a spike in young people using its website experiencing anxiety as they prepared for school and college. The charity stated that higher levels of anxiety are natural and should be expected starting or returning to school, and that students feeling nervous should use its free mental health services including its ‘Thought Catcher’ online mood diary, which runs everyday from 2pm until 8pm, and its free support groups run by mental health professionals.

‘Back to school & what that means’ support group on Wednesdays @ 6pm

Turn2Me’s ‘Back to school’ support group for secondary school students will run on Wednesdays at 6pm.

If the thought of school makes you stressed, anxious, feeling a little worried, this support group is for you. Suzanne Ennis, Clinical Manager at Turn2Me, said, “We will help you find ways to manage that sick feeling and learn the tools you need to get through it. Here, you can be honest and be yourself without any fear of being judged. Groups are 100% anonymous and confidential, you’ll be able to speak to similar people in the chat function who understand you and what you’re going through. Register now on Turn2Me.ie

‘College, the great unknown!’ support group on Thursdays @ 6pm

Turn2Me’s ‘Preparing for college’ support group for college students will run on Thursdays at 6pm.

Waiting on CAO results, repeat exam results, and preparing for the next academic year is upon us. Suzanne Ennis said, For so many, it’s unfamiliar and nerve-wrecking. Starting college means a new timetable, new campus, new classmates, new cities, and new homes for some – a lot of unknowns. Being apprehensive, anxious, worried, or stressed is normal. This support group will be attended by like-minded students, experiencing the same challenges and obstacles, let’s navigate them together! This support group will give young people the tools and support to help them with the transition. Register now on Turn2Me.ie

Turn2Me is encouraging young people to sign up to their free mental health services on Turn2Me.ie

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