Irish Water has started work on an important new project to upgrade the sewer infrastructure in Mallow, which will bring big benefits to the town by protecting water quality in the River Blackwater and providing a platform for growth and development.
Sewer upgrade works will begin at the N72, Ballylough Road and lands adjacent to the Spa Spring Road next week and will take approximately 10 weeks to complete. Site investigation works will also be progressed, initially on the banks of the Blackwater near Mallow Bridge.
Irish Water, working in partnership with Cork County Council, will deliver an investment of over €14 million in this project. Once complete, the new sewer infrastructure will ensure compliance with wastewater discharge regulations. It will also improve the performance of the sewer network and water quality in the River Blackwater.
Combined Sewer overflows (CSOs) will be eliminated at nine locations along the River Blackwater, which will protect the integrity of the local environment and benefit the River Blackwater Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
Eunan Canavan, Regional Infrastructure Lead with Irish Water, commented on the project:
Irish Water is committed to protecting the local environment and supporting the growth of homes and businesses. This major upgrade of the sewer network, combined with the planned upgrade of Mallow wastewater treatment plant, will ensure that the wastewater infrastructure is in place to support ongoing development in this thriving town.
We will commence the construction of new sewer infrastructure next week at the N72, Ballylough Road and lands adjacent to the Spa Spring Road. A Stop-Go system will be in operation for the duration of the works, which will take 10 weeks to complete. Together with our partners, Cork County Council and Ward and Burke Construction Ltd., we will be working with the local community to minimise any disruption associated with this essential project.
Irish Water and our appointed Contractor, Ward and Burke Construction Ltd., will be in contact with the local community in the area in advance of works commencing.
Additionally, Irish Water is also progressing with upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant in Mallow, with the project also expected to commence in the coming months.
Irish Water is working at this time, with our Local Authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of both staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of critical drinking water and wastewater services. Irish Water would like to remind people to follow the HSE COVID-19 advice and ensure frequent handwashing.
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