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The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) is reminding passengers of their rights if their flights are cancelled or subject to long delays due to the recent global IT outage. Passengers are entitled to a choice of a refund or re-routing to their destination, as well as care and assistance while awaiting re-routing. The IAA advises passengers to contact their airline for help and information in the first instance.

Air Passenger Rights under EU Regulation EC 261/2004

Flight Cancellations

In the event of a flight cancellation, air carriers must offer passengers the choice between:

  • Re-routing as soon as possible
  • Re-routing at a later date at the passenger’s convenience
  • A refund

For those who opt for re-routing as soon as possible, the airline is obligated to provide care and assistance during the wait. This includes:

  • Meals and refreshments proportional to the waiting time
  • Hotel accommodation if an overnight stay is necessary
  • Transport between the hotel and the airport
  • Two free telephone calls or access to email

Airlines are required to inform passengers about the re-routing options available. If an airline fails to provide these options or necessary care, passengers have the right to claim reasonable expenses incurred from arranging their own alternative flights, accommodation, transport, meals, and communications. Passengers should retain receipts and submit copies to their airline for reimbursement.

Flight Delays

If a flight is delayed over 2, 3, or 4 hours depending on the destination, the airline must provide the same care and assistance as for cancellations. Additionally, if the delay exceeds 5 hours, passengers must be given the choice to either continue their journey or receive a refund for the ticket.

It is important to note that passengers cannot both travel and receive a full refund.

In cases where the airline does not provide the necessary care and assistance, passengers are encouraged to make their own reasonable arrangements, keep all receipts, and submit copies to the airline for reimbursement.

For more information or assistance, passengers should contact their airline directly.