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Alert Summary
Category 1:For Action
Alert Notification:2024.03
Product Identification:Ambrosia My Mini Rice; pack size: 6 x 55g
Ambrosia My Mini Custard; pack size: 6 x 55g
Ambrosia My Mini 30% Less Sugar Custard; pack size: 6 x 55g  
Batch CodeAll best before dates up to and including End 10/2024.
Country Of Origin:United Kingdom


The above batches of Ambrosia My Mini Rice, My Mini Custard and My Mini 30% Less Sugar Custard are being recalled due to the possible presence of plastic pieces. 

Recall notices will be displayed at point-of-sale. 

Action Required:

Manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, caterers & retailers:

Retailers are requested to remove the implicated batches from sale and display recall notices at point-of-sale.  


Consumers are advised not to eat the implicated batches.