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In a significant boost for community health and wellbeing, The Glen Resource Centre has proudly launched its latest project, an outdoor wellbeing space equipped with a state-of-the-art awning, in the Glen area. This new facility is set to benefit the residents of Glen and the broader Sláintecare community area, offering a dedicated space for wellbeing activities accessible to everyone, free of charge.

The development of this outdoor space is a testament to the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders, including The Glen Resource Centre, Cork City Council, the HSE, Health Promotion and Community Work Department, Health Action Zone, and the Department of Health. The initiative aims to align with Sláintecare’s objectives, focusing on the importance of community-led health initiatives.

Roy Watson, Manager at The Glen Resource Centre, expressed enthusiasm about the expansion, noting:

“The enhanced outdoor space will cater to the increasing demand for health-focused activities, providing a safe and inclusive environment for residents of all ages.”

Ann Doherty, Chief Executive of Cork City Council, highlighted the significance of addressing the Social Determinants of Health through community-based settings. “This space is a haven for social interaction, a sanctuary for mental rejuvenation, and a hub for fostering community connections,” Doherty stated, underscoring the project’s commitment to creating an environment where everyone can thrive.

Community member Yvonne shared her experience:

“The sheltered outdoor space was perfect for the pallet workshop I attended. It’s so engaging that I’ve returned to use it again for community gardening. It offers a wonderful opportunity to connect, regardless of the weather.”

This collaborative effort is supported by funding from the Department of Health, HSE Community Work, and Cork City Council. The space aims to provide improved health opportunities for citizens, encouraging free use of the facilities to support wellbeing and foster positive health outcomes.

The Health Action Zone Community Garden, particularly recognized for its role during the pandemic in supporting community well-being, has seen significant enhancements. Bernard Twomey, leading the Health Action Zone efforts, has been instrumental in the garden’s flourishing. The new outdoor activity space caters to a variety of activities, further supported by additional funding for aesthetic improvements like flower boxes and artificial grass.

The launch event brought together community members, local leaders, and stakeholders to witness the positive impact of this initiative. The Glen Resource Centre invites local community members and groups interested in using the space for health and wellbeing events or activities to get in touch.

For those interested in participating in any of the HSE Slaintecare Healthy Community Programmes, further information can be found on the Slaintecare Healthy Communities – Wellbeing Network website.

This initiative highlights Cork City Council’s dedication to promoting a culture of well-being among its communities, marking a milestone in the ongoing efforts to enhance community health and foster positive lifestyle changes.