Christ King Girls’ Secondary School has recently received approval and a substantial grant towards the completion of  a significant new extension to its school complex.

The new development will consist of four additional classrooms, two state-of-the-art specialist rooms namely: Graphics & Design and Communication Graphics (DCG). Additional new Technology and Art rooms will also form part of the development.  It will include the construction of a new Education Tuition room and three of the existing Science laboratories will be extensively refurbished. Furthermore, increased ICT grant funding will be provided to ensure that the digital quality of the Technology suite will be at the cutting edge of international modern information technology standards.

Pictured students with Taoiseach Micheál Martin TD, during the visit of Taoiseach Micheál Martin TD, for the announcement of the €8.24 Million Investment at Christ King Girls’ Secondary School who recently received approval and a substantial grant towards the completion of a significant new extension to its school complex, at Christ King Girls Secondary School, Half Moon Lane, Cork. Image: Jim Coughlan.

Principal Richel Long warmly welcomed the announcement stating;

We are proud to have a long tradition of providing excellent education to our students for almost sixty years. We are delighted that we will be able to support our students further with a new state-of-the-art technology suite, thanks to this extension.

Ms Long outlined how this financial commitment will enable the school to create a new extension which, when completed, will significantly invest in the school’s future growth by building on the existing technological culture. Christ King Girls’ Secondary School is leading the way, being the first all-girls’ Secondary School in Cork to introduce Graphics and senior cycle DCG to its curriculum.

This is a further endorsement of the exceptional academic standards achieved in Christ King, said Ms Long. She added that the tendering process for the appointment of the design team has already commenced.

We hope that this is just the start of a transformation process for Christ King Girls’ Secondary School’ she continued. ‘In conclusion, I wish to thank the Board of Management for their vision for the future and the Department of Education for their generous allocation.

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