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In a recent operation conducted by Cork City Roads Policing in collaboration with NTA/TFI, a driver was apprehended for operating a public service vehicle without the required licence and insurance, as revealed in a tweet by the Gardaí.

The operation, aimed at ensuring compliance with public service vehicle regulations, led to the identification of a driver who was operating for hire/reward without the proper documentation. This breach of regulations not only put passengers at risk but also violated the legal requirements for operating a public service vehicle.

As a result of this discovery, the vehicle in question was promptly seized by the Cork City Roads Policing unit. Furthermore, the driver now faces impending legal action, as they will be brought before the court to answer for the unauthorised hire/reward operation.

This incident underscores the importance of adhering to the legal requirements for operating public service vehicles. These regulations are in place to ensure the safety and security of passengers and to maintain the integrity of the transportation industry.

Gardaí, in cooperation with NTA/TFI, continues to monitor and enforce compliance with public service vehicle regulations, working diligently to uphold the standards that guarantee the safety and security of all passengers using these services.

It is crucial for all public service vehicle operators to be aware of and adhere to the licensing and insurance requirements. Failure to do so can result in severe legal consequences and the confiscation of the vehicle involved.

Gardaí are sending a clear message that non-compliance with public service vehicle regulations will not be tolerated. This recent operation serves as a reminder of the consequences that can follow when these regulations are not upheld, emphasizing the need for all operators to comply with the law.