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Cork ETB Youthreach students gathered at Cork College of FET Tramore Road Campus on May 18th for a Youthreach’s Got Talent Showcase. Cork ETB is responsible for 12 Youthreach Centres throughout Cork City and County offering education and training to young people who are not in the mainstream school system.
Denis Leamy, Chief Executive of Cork ETB, commended the quality and variety of entries to the competition ranging from the performing arts to pyrography, photography, poetry and piano playing.
John Fitzgibbons, Director of Further Education and Training, presented the prizes and praised the excellent staff in Youthreach Centres who supported their students to enter the competition and particularly praised Sophie from Knocknaheeny Youthreach to did a record 16 minute and 20 second wall sit.

Cork College of FET Ballincollig Youthreach Centre won first prize for their feel-good performance of Maroon 5’s “Moves Like Jagger” which was choreographed by Emma. Kaya from Cork City Learning Support Services won second prize for a detailed portrait which captured a young person after a fight, displaying vulnerability and strength at the same time. The third-place prize winner was a film by Daniel from Cork College of FET Fermoy Youthreach who showed originality and told a whole story in just 3 minutes, about how challenging life can be for some young people and that we shouldn’t judge people unless we know their story. Daniel devised, scripted and acted in this short film, supported by his fellow students and teachers.
Robert and Harry from Cork College of FET Youghal Youthreach played a guitar duet and 3 students from Cork College of FET Ballincollig Youthreach performed live in in front of a packed house, with Youthreach students attending from all over the county. Anouk played guitar and sang a beautiful rendition of Fly me to the Moon, Maciej performed a drag act and Chloe sang Hallelujah.

The students from Cork College of FET Macroom Youthreach Centre devised a Creative Treasure Hunt based on the Kung Fu Panda movie. With the themes that there is nothing quite as important as appreciating every sight, sound and object that we experience in the here and now. It’s key to our happiness.
Judge, Keith Murphy commended an Equality Collage from a student in Cork College of FET Youghal Youthreach and a beautiful drawing by Lisa Marie from Cork College of FET Mallow Youthreach. Fiona Quinn, Cork Local Creative Youth Partnership Coordinator commended a descriptive poem called Clouded by Haley from Mahon Youthreach and Anouck’s original version of Fly me to the Moon. Nuala Glanton, another judge praised the detail in Rebe’s art portfolio showing how his work had progressed over time and a very talented photographer, Roman from Cork College of FET Dean Street Youthreach Centre.
A montage of the entries can be viewed here Youthreach Got Talent Montage 1 – YouTube and here Youthreach Got Talent Montage 2 – YouTube
Youthreach is funded by SOLAS and is the principal national response in Ireland to the difficulties faced by young people who have left school early.
For further information on Cork Education and Training Board and their wide range of schools, courses, and opportunities from Primary, through Post-Primary, to Further Education, see or see Cork Education and Training Board or CorkETB on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.