OSM PHOTO - 28/06/2022 - REPRO FREE - Colm Tóibín, Novelist, and Irish Fiction Laureate with Naoise Dolan, Novelist, pictured at Cork City Library, Grand Parade, for The Art of Reading Book Club with the Laureate of Irish Fiction, in Association with The Arts Council. This is one of 12 such events taking place nationally. Picture: Michael O'Sullivan /OSM PHOTO

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Cork City Libraries are inviting the public to experience a day of magic and excitement on Saturday, 28th September, as they open their doors for a special event themed ‘Take a Closer Look’. The event celebrates the 10 libraries across Cork City, highlighting the extensive services and programmes they offer to the community.

Irish public libraries today boast access to vast collections, a diverse range of events, clubs, meeting spaces, as well as outreach and home services. With a national catalogue and delivery service available countrywide, libraries in Ireland remain free and accessible to all.

Libraries aren’t just about books; they’ve evolved into vibrant social spaces, hosting cultural events, clubs, exhibitions, and workshops throughout the year, all of which are free and open to everyone. This Saturday’s event will give visitors a glimpse into these services, encouraging everyone to come in and get involved.

The Cork City Libraries network includes branches in the City Library, Ballincollig, Bishopstown, Blackpool, Blarney, Douglas, Glanmire, Hollyhill, Mayfield, and Tory Top Road, Ballyphehane. Notably, libraries in Blackpool, Bishopstown, Douglas, and Glanmire offer extended opening hours 365 days a year through the My Open Library Service.

For those interested in attending, the complete programme for the day is available on Cork City Libraries’ website at corkcitylibraries.ie. You can also stay updated by following them on Facebook, Instagram, and X @corkcitylibraries.

In addition to the exciting activities planned, the City Library will be gifting a free book published by Cork City Libraries to every new member who joins on the day. With 864,671 visits to Cork City Libraries in 2023, the event aims to encourage even more people to take advantage of these wonderful resources.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to ‘Take a Closer Look’ and discover all that Cork City Libraries have to offer on Saturday, 28th September!