Image: Damian Coleman

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Cork City Council have been advised by Met Eireann that there are now two different wind weather warnings in place for Cork City.

The first is a yellow level wind warning which comes into effect today (Friday the 6th) at 3:00pm and lasts until 3:00pm Saturday.

The second warning is an orange level warning which is valid from 8:00pm Friday evening the 06th of December to 10:00am Saturday.

Cork City Council’s Severe Weather Assessment Team has met in advance of the Status Orange wind warning. Across the city, the strong winds may lead to debris on roads and footpaths and hazardous driving conditions, so motorists, including cyclists and pedestrians, are asked to proceed with care when travelling, in particular over night on Friday night and early Saturday morning when people may come across debris which has come down during the heavy overnight winds.

Winds are expected to be severe and as a result Cork City Council asks that members of the public please take the following measures:

  • Please secure loose items such as Christmas decorations. wheelie bins, garden furniture, trampolines etc.
  • Don’t make any unnecessary journeys during the period of the orange warning and if you must travel, be vigilant for the risk of fallen trees and debris on roads;
  • All construction sites should be made secure in advance of high winds, including plant, materials, and fencing;
  • Ensure your mobile phone is fully charged to enable communication.
  • Drive with extra care as there may e fallen trees on roads, in public parks or on private lands.
  • Power lines may be damaged resulting in loss of power overnight.  Neve approach fallen powerlines. Stay well back and ring the ESB Networks 24 hour emergency line (details below).
  • There may be very difficult travelling conditions over Friday night and on Saturday morning so limit journeys during these times.
  • Damage to structures including hones and commercial premises may occur and so we would suggest that such structures are checked for damage on Saturday.

 Cork City Council is prepared to address any damage that might result from the severe winds. Our emergency and incident response crews are on standby.

ESB Networks is highlighting the dangers posed by fallen live wires and are advising the public and the emergency services to stay away from these fallen cables and to report such cases to it immediately. ESB Emergency Services can be contacted at 1850 372 999. The public can monitor in regard to power restoration times.

Please monitor Met Éireann forecasts and Cork City Council social media channels for further updates

To report fallen trees or flooding, please contact Cork City Council on 021 4966512.

The Emergency Services may be contacted by dialing 112 or 999.

ESB Networks 24 Hour Emergency number is 1800 372 999 or 021 2382410.