Organised by Cork City Council, the Cork St Patrick’s Day Festival will take place from March 17th to March 20th with the Cork St Patrick’s Day Parade taking place for the first time in two years on March 17th. 

As the world begins to return to normal, cultural venues all over Cork will mark Ireland’s national holiday, hosting a wide range of in person theatre, music, dance and cultural events. And of course the main event – Cork’s St Patrick’s Day Parade – makes a very welcome return. This abundance of colour, pageantry, puppetry and performance, takes to the streets at 1pm on St Patrick’s Day

The Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Colm Kelleher said:

The St. Patrick’s Day Parades were the first events to be cancelled in 2020, so it’s only right they should be the first big events to appear back on our streets. Getting through these past two years is certainly something to be celebrated, and as part of that the Cork parade will celebrate the ordinary heroes of our times.

The theme of the Parade is Heroes- Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times and the Parade will celebrate the individuals and organisations who have made a difference to their communities especially during the pandemic.

Cork City Council has reached out to almost 200 community, sporting and voluntary groups about participating in the Parade and the response has been very positive. There is still time for groups to register their interest to take part in the Cork St Patrick’s Day Parade. Email: [email protected]

Details of the Cork St Patrick’s Festival will be available on next week. The Festival is also on Facebook @corkstpatricksfestival and on Twitter @corkpaddysfest

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