Do you know of an Adult Learning group or project doing outstanding work in Cork? AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation, are seeking nominations for the 2023 Adult Learning STAR Awards.
The STAR Awards stand for “Showcasing Teamwork, Awarding Recognition” – the recognition that Adult and Community Education is about more than receiving a qualification. From improved confidence to better health, the wider benefits are far-reaching and can have a hugely positive impact on a person’s life, family and wider community.
The awards will be presented to staff and learners at a live ceremony in Dublin on 10th March 2023. There are five STAR Award categories:
- Health and Wellbeing, for organisations or projects that support adult learners’ mental health, sport, physical activity and so on
- Third-level Access and Engagement, for organisations or projects that encourage partnership and participation between adult learners and higher education
- Social Inclusion, for organisations or projects that support learners’ active engagement with social and cultural life
- Learner Voice, for organisations or projects that actively focus on the learner and their experience in decision-making and development
- Global Citizenship Education, for organisations or projects that help learners understand and face global challenges in their local context.
There will also be special recognition awards for projects that focus on Peace Building and/or work on a Shared Island approach, and for European Social Fund initiatives.
You can make a nomination online until 11th November 2022. You will need to answer short questions about the organisation or project, and include a story from a learner about their experiences of adult learning.
Speaking about the STAR Awards, the CEO of AONTAS Dearbháil Lawless said: “We are delighted to be able to celebrate the 2023 STAR Awards with our first face-to-face event in three years! This year we look forward to showcasing the very best of adult learning and highlighting the diversity of learning on offer across the island of Ireland.
The STAR Awards recognise the work of organisations and staff, and the achievements of learners. Highlighting innovation and celebrating the variety of opportunities for adults, the STAR Awards will be an important part of our annual Adult Learners’ Festival (6th-10th March 2023). I would encourage all those involved in the sector to nominate before the deadline.”
How to Make a Nomination
To nominate an adult learning project, visit The deadline for nominations is 5pm on Monday, 11th November 2022.
The shortlist will be announced in early 2023 and the STAR Awards will be presented live in Dublin on Friday 10th March 2023, the final day of the AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival 2023.
The STAR Awards are proudly sponsored by Concern Worldwide, the European Social Fund, Mental Health Ireland, the Open College Network Northern Ireland, the Open University in Ireland, Quality and Qualifications Ireland, SAOLTA, and the Teachers’ Union of Ireland.
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