Cork County Council has prepared a draft Transportation and Public Realm Enhancement Plan (TPREP) for Carrigaline and is now inviting feedback from members of the public on the draft proposals. The TPREP is an integrated transportation framework focused on addressing the transportation infrastructure and public realm enhancement required to support the sustainable development of Carrigaline.

Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Mary Linehan Foley, said:

With the population and employment growth projected for Carrigaline we need a new vision for the town. Through the provision of high-quality spaces and public realm that facilitates people meeting and socialising outdoors, the TPREP will also enable town centre businesses to grow and flourish.

Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Tim Lucey, says:

The draft TPREP for Carrigaline aims to deliver a robust transportation strategy to facilitate sustainable development for the town while creating an attractive urban environment that utilises and celebrates the assets of the town. Following the first round of public consultation in February, the draft has been informed by feedback from the public on the suggested improvements to the public realm and transportation environment in Carrigaline. There is now a further opportunity to comment before Monday June 14th.

The draft Carrigaline Transportation and Public Realm Enhancement Plan can be viewed in the virtual exhibition room on Cork County Council’s website at

Comments on the draft proposals can be submitted through the virtual exhibition room, through the Council’s customer service portal at, by email to: [email protected] or, alternatively, in writing to: Senior Engineer, Cork County Council, Traffic and Transportation, Planning and Development Directorate, Floor 11, County Hall, Cork.

The latest date for submission of any comment or feedback is Monday 14th June 2021.

Image: Cork County Council

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