The Lord Mayor, Cllr Joe Kavanagh together with representatives of the Cork City LGBTI+ InterAgency Steering Group were delighted to accept the European Rainbow Flag from our sister city Cologne and the Pulse of Europe NGO to show our solidarity and our colours for the protection of minorities in Europe, in particular the LGBTI+ community.
Cork City will mark international IDAHOBIT Day 2021 this year as it has every year this past decade by bringing the City Council, public services, community groups and lgbti+ ngos together to challenge homophobia, transphobia and biphobia. As we prepare to open LGBTI+ Awareness Week in Cork City from May 16th to May 22nd we will mark IDAHOBIT 2021 and celebrate our links with all of cities in the Rainbow Cities Network and our sister city San Francisco by sharing the Rainbow.
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