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Gardaí have arrested and charged a man in his 30s in relation to a burglary at a school in Bandon, Co Cork that occurred on the 23rd April 2019.

Gardaí in Bandon received a report of a break in that occurred at approximately 2am. After carrying out a preliminary investigation a man in his 30s was arrested yesterday, 1st May 2019. He was detained at Bandon Garda Station under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 1984 and has been charged to appear before Bandon District Court later this month.

Speaking at Bandon Garda Station, Crime Prevention Officer Sgt James O Donovan said ‘With the summer holidays approaching I would like to remind all schools not to leave cash on site. When collecting money for school tours or after hosting fundraising events like a coffee morning, ensure that there is a system in place to deposit the money.’