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Hospital staff at Cork University Hospital (CUH) are appealing to members of the public to follow Government guidelines relating to social distancing and hygiene, to ensure that they do not contribute to spreading the coronavirus. Every department and service in CUH: medical, nursing, allied health professionals, support staff, management and administration staff, have been working incredibly hard to prepare for and accommodate COVID-19 patients.
Hospital staff are changing roles, working in areas of the hospital they normally wouldn’t, adapting their practice and learning new skills – all to make sure that we are as prepared as we can be for the inevitable increase in patients presenting to the hospital.
However, staff at the hospital are worried that some members of the public may not adhering to the guidelines and restrictions introduced by the Government to combat the COVID-19 virus.
Dr. Jennifer Carroll, Clinical Director at Cork University Hospital said “The best way to minimise the risk of COVID-19 is to simply to stay at home. We want to remind members of the public to adhere to the Government’s measures, which were put in place to ensure your safety. Failure to follow these guidelines will put extra pressure on the hospital system, which unfortunately could seriously impact you, your family, your neighbours or friends and this is the last thing any of us want”.
Dr. Jennifer Carroll, Clinical Director at Cork University Hospital went on to say: “most people are doing their very best to ensure their own safety and that of others and we thank you for this. However, there may be some members of the public who are not adhering to the advice. We are appealing to people to think before they act and to ask themselves if their journey is necessary, are they keeping the appropriate distance, following cough etiquette and washing their hands. The pathway through this challenge lies in all our hands.
People are asked to visit to receive the latest guidance and updates relating to COVID-19.
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